Sponsorship of orphan – Samia, the orphan and the patient

Portfolio Description

The little girl, Samia, is an orphan and sick

Samia suffers from illness and misses the breadwinner after she became an orphan

Your donation will truly change their lives

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Voucher section

The required sum : 600$

Collected: 0$

Remained: 600$

Started on: 1/15/2021

Vouchering money

Not completed

Samia is an orphan girl who suffers from some mental and psychological diseases
She was born in the sixth month of 2016.
Samia lives in a tent in one of the northern Syrian camps with her grandfather because she
she lost her whole family to become an orphan child with no brothers, no father, no mother
We hope that her story will reach a tender heart that guarantees and secures her needs

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